Emergency Assembly Point
The assembly point for Doty Fine Arts Building in the event of an evacuation is the Amaryllis sculpture by Tony Smith, pictured here.
For Dean’s Office staff within Doty Fine Arts Building (DFA)
In the event of an emergency (e.g., fire alarm), the designated meeting spot (“Assembly Point”) is the Amaryllis sculpture. There is a North exit point from DFA that has a direct paved walkway to the sculpture. Our East exit on the 2nd floor (with bridge over creek) is our “Celebrated Entrance” (main entrance). We also have a ground floor East exit from the Kendra Scott Center and a South exit from the DFA lobby that faces DKR stadium. Each of these exits also feature paved walkways with access to Amaryllis.
Our backup assembly point (either due to blocked pathway or inclement weather) is the Kayem Arbor, which is directly outside of the Art and Art History building.