Visual Identity

College of Fine Arts Color Palette

The College of Fine Arts uses the primary colors and a selection of the secondary colors in its color palette. Our secondary colors complement our primary colors.

Fine Arts Primary Color Palette

Use of color must be consistent across the university. Referring to these Pantone®, CMYK, RGB and Hex values will eliminate the guesswork.

Burnt orange and white are the official colors of The University of Texas at Austin. Burnt orange plays a major role in establishing our identity and should be implemented consistently in all web applications and print communications.

Color swatch of Burnt Orange

Burnt Orange

CMYK: 0, 65, 100, 9
RGB: 191, 87, 0
HEX: #bf5700

Color swatch of Charcoal


CMYK: 65, 43, 26, 78 
RGB: 51, 63, 72 
HEX: #333f48

Color swatch of White


CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0 
RGB: 255, 255, 255 
HEX: #ffffff

Fine Arts Secondary Palette

While burnt orange is the university’s primary color and an integral part of our brand, a secondary color palette has been developed to provide versatility and variety when developing communications materials. The secondary palette was carefully selected to complement and accent our unique burnt orange as well as reflect our bold personality.

The College of Fine Arts prioritizes a few colors from the secondary palette to use in our branded materials.

Avoid using shades of red or purple, especially in combination with burnt orange. (Pink and lavender are considered shades of red and purple and should also be avoided.)

Limit the number of secondary colors used in a single piece so they do not create an environment where Texas is not recognizable.

Color swatch of Modified Tangerine

Modified Tangerine

CMYK: 0, 48, 98, 0
RGB: 247, 150, 31
HEX: #f7961f

Color swatch of Turquoise


CMYK: 96, 0, 31, 2
RGB: 0, 169, 183
HEX: #00919e

Color swatch of Shade


CMYK: 24, 9, 8, 22
RGB: 156, 173, 183
HEX: #9cadb7

Typefaces and Typography

The College of Fine Arts’ primary font for publications and our website is Sans- Serif Aperçu, though users may also pull from the suite of fonts approved by the university, including GT Sectra and Benton Sans.

To request a license for Aperçu for your computer, please contact Misa Yamamoto.


Screenshot with visual examples of different versions of the Apercu typeface