- Available Ranks
- Assistant Professor
- Associate Professor
- Professor
- Typical Workload: 2 + 2, plus service and research**
- When is this title series used? For tenured/tenure-track faculty
Practice Series (Non-Tenure Track)
- Available Ranks
- Assistant Professor of Practice
- Associate Professor of Practice
- Professor of Practice
- Typical Workload: 3 + 3, plus service, no research**
- When is this title series used? For non-tenure track faculty with reasonable expectation of continued employment who primarily teach in a laboratory or practice-based setting. Terminal degree or substantial professional experience expected.
Instruction Series (Non-Tenure Track)
- Available Ranks
- Assistant Professor of Instruction
- Associate Professor of Instruction
- Professor of Instruction
- Typical Workload: 3 + 3, plus service, no research**
- When is this title series used? For non-tenure track faculty with reasonable expectation of continued employment who primarily teach in a lecture/seminar setting. Terminal degree expected.
Lecturer Series (Non-Tenure Track)
- Available Rank
- Lecturer
- Typical Workload: 4 + 4, no service, no research**
- When is this title series used? For temporary/adjunct/ contingent faculty with no expectation of continued employment.
Visiting Series (Non-Tenure Track)
- Available Ranks
- Visiting Assistant Professor
- Visiting Associate Professor
- Visiting Professor
- Typical Workload: 2 + 2, plus service and research
- When is this title series used? For temporary faculty visiting from another university, or equivalent in the profession.
*In rare cases, the higher ranks of the Lecturer Series (Senior Lecturer and Distinguished Senior Lecturer) are held by career-track faculty who chose to keep this legacy job title instead of converting to the new Practice Series or Instruction Series. In equally rare cases, these higher ranks of the Lecturer Series can also be used for adjunct/contingent faculty whose professional profiles and salary equities merit appointment at higher faculty rank.
**Per the college's workload policy, the department chair with oversight of the dean, has the authority to adjust workload expectations for any faculty member, such as assigning additional service in lieu of teaching, assigning research or mentoring expectations, or assigning a higher teaching load for those not productive in research or service.